Make Your  Workplace  AS/NZS 3760:2022 Certified

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Frequently Asked Question

Why do I need to Test and Tag?

Having your workplace tested and tagged helps to avoid the risk of an injury to an employee, client, or another third party. Compliance with Occupational Health & Safety requires that an employer must ensure that any risk of injury from electricity at a place of work is eliminated or that the risk is controlled by regular testing, maintenance, and inspection of all electrical equipment to ensure that it remains safe for use.

Records must be kept of all inspections made and maintenance carried out on all electrical appliances, specific details need to be kept as required by the act.
The purpose of testing electrical equipment is to detect any adverse conditions that could render it electrically unsafe.

What equipment and appliances do I need to get tested?

To meet the requirements of AS/NZS 3760:2022 you need to test all low-voltage equipment that is either in-service at a place of work OR public place, OR is offered for hire.

The standard does require safety inspection and testing of the following equipment: –

  • Residual Current Devices (RCDs) except for those covered by AS/NZS 3003 and NZS 6115 (these standards relate to hospitals and medical facilities).

  • Portable inverters that generate LOW VOLTAGE

  • Portable equipment, hand-held equipment, and stationary equipment are connected to a low-voltage power supply by a supply cord with an appliance inlet or pins for insertion into a socket outlet.

  • Cord sets, cord extension sets, and outlet devices (commonly referred to as powerboards, also known as Electrical Portable Outlet Devices – EPODs).

  • Flexible cords connected to fixed equipment in hostile environments.

  • Portable power supplies that generate LOW VOLTAGE.

  • Battery chargers, including those for commercial or industrial use.

  • Portable and transportable heavy-duty tools such as high-pressure washers and concrete grinders.
    Reference: AS/NZS 3760:2022, section 1.1

How often do I need to have my equipment tested?
  • The frequency of re-testing of electrical equipment and flexible cord sets is determined by the equipment type and the environment in which the equipment is being used.  Re-test frequency is based on the level of hazard and the degree of abuse to which equipment is typically exposed.

  • Electrical equipment must be inspected and tested at intervals shown in Table 4, Section2 of AS/NZS 3760:2022 (subject to a tolerance of two weeks), or as varied by a responsible person after performing a risk assessment as per the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 31000 “Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines”.

How often do power tools need to be tested and tagged?

For Production, warehouses and factories goes for every 6 months. To ensure that these appliances are functioning properly and pose no danger to the lives of the workers, it is essential to have them tested & tagged every 6 months.

Is test and tag a legal requirement in NZ?

Testing and tagging electrical appliances is one useful way to check electrical equipment is safe. It is legally required that equipment is electrically safe and maintained in a safe condition.